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Search Results for: sadia

Extramarital Affairs

Extramarital Affairs: Part I-Why Do People Cheat In Relationships?

As time goes by, the dynamics of marriage as an institution are changing. The demands on people from within and outside a marital relationship are higher. Sometimes, amidst these numerous and stressful demands, people are not able to feel fulfilled emotionally and might seek relief and solace outside their marriage. In this article, as a team of psychologists, we discuss and enumerate the main psychological reasons for extramarital affairs.

Inner Space Therapy

We are here to help you Feel Better You are Not Alone! Whether it is therapy you need or support in your mindfulness meditation practice. We are here! Book a Therapy Session Meditation Courses We are here to help you Feel Better You are Not Alone! Whether it is therapy you need or support in …

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Thank you for reading, encouraging, and supporting us all along this year.

We think about you a lot when we decide what to write.

In a typical brainstorming session we try to raise and answer questions like: what are people looking for, what problems they need help with, what psychological difficulties are fostered by our environments today, in these changing times…

a poem dedicated to ' therapist '


Inner Space turns three on the 26th of December 2013 and we also near the end of another year.

The year has been eventful, lots of action, work, an additional office, new associations, more therapists and so on. But amidst the enjoyable inertia of all this work and action, I want to remind myself and all the Inner Space therapists to not lose sight of why we started Inner Space…

5 minutes of silent meditaiton with the lamp


It’s that time of the year again when every building is dotted with lanterns, diyas and lights…and not to mention, when it’s okay to eat as many sweets as you want to!

Diwali is here! The festival of lights is a much loved one across ages and communities. No wonder then that no exchange in these 3-4 days would be complete without “Happy Diwali” 🙂

Apart from the festivities and fire crackers, there is a deeper meaning that Diwali would hold for each of you. To some it would mean hope, whereas for some, joy.

For Diwali, we at Inner Space decided to come together and share with you what Diwali means to each of us in the team. Penning this down was a soothing experience and helped each of us connect with what Diwali truly meant to us.

mind and body


It is World Mental Health Day!

There wouldn’t have been a better time to talk about one of the most common afflictions as far as mental health is concerned, something that almost all of us face – ‘Anxiety’.

Be it seeing after your children or making it on time to work, several situations give us the “on the edge” feeling.

When we talk of dealing with or managing anxiety, we think about it the mental way. We try to take things easy, we try to consciously ask ourselves to ‘calm down’ and stay focused.

However, what we tend to ignore is that –
Anxiety is as much in the body as it is in the mind



Through our posts, we’ve been talking about how it is okay to seek help and how seeking help is a sign of strength, not of weakness.

We understand that even then, when you do decide to go in for counseling, you might have some doubts or apprehensions-

“What really is counseling?”

“What happens in these sessions?”

“Will it actually help?”

These are real questions and a lot of people we interact with do voice them as well. So, we decided that real questions deserve real answers; we asked some of those who have been in therapy with us, to share what therapy or counseling means to them.

Mental Health - Attention and Introspection


To all of you who have been reading what we share, and to those who have stumbled upon our website more recently – World Mental Health Week is here!

We’ve always been excited about this week… more so because we hold mental health very close to our hearts. So over 2011 and 2012, we have been posting something special for all of you throughout this week..and the tradition continues this year as well.

Before we share what we are up to for Mental Health Week 2013, we want to ask you – what does mental health mean to you?

The Art of Listening

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Meditation Made Simple: Start Your Practice

A course by our founder Sadia Saeed, Psychologist and Trainer for Mindfulness Meditation
