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Dealing With Stress At Work

Work stress can feel you’re in an endless loop of anxiety, stress, and burnout. However, it is possible to end this cycle. Therapy can be a great option for you to learn essential skills to cope with the anxiety and stress at work.




What Is Work Stress?

Are You:
Feeling overwhelmed with work? Struggling to keep up with deadlines? Feeling demotivated to go to work? 

If any of this resonates with you, you may be caught in the web of stress at your workplace.

Your job is a huge part of your identity. If you were to introduce yourself, there is a good chance that you mention what you do for a living, right after you say your name. That’s how important your job can be for you, as it is a reflection of you. 

Now, experiencing a bit of stress here-and-there at work can feel okay. It can even be thrilling, sometimes. But when it reaches to the point of excessive stress and overwhelm, it can lead to what is known as “work stress.”

Of course, every job can cause a certain level of stress. But, if you find yourself feeling stressed because of work too often, it can affect your mental health, cause burnout, and even lead to issues with physical health. 

Are You Stressed At Work?

Wondering what stress at the workplace looks like? Here are some indicators that can let you know if you are stressed at work. Do you:

  • Feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you do at work?
  • Struggle with having a positive, cordial working relationship with your colleagues?
  • Feel like your work goes unappreciated?
  • Feel demotivated to go to work daily?
  • Feel like you lack a sense of purpose or direction at work?
  • Experience unexplained tiredness, headaches, or have trouble sleeping?
  • Feel like you have no time to pursue your interests and hobbies?
  • Face difficulty in making decisions and focus at work?
  • Have a constant feeling of anxiety at work?

If you feel like you are experiencing any or many of these signs, you may be struggling with stress at your workplace. If you are going through job stress, it may feel like there is no stop to it, unless you quit. However, there is hope, there are also ways, like counselling, you can adopt to lead a stress-free, peaceful, and productive worklife. 

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Managing Work Stress Through Therapy: Process & Benefits

Do you feel caught up in the chaos of job stress and workplace conflicts? Slowing down, observing, and reflecting on ways to handle these situations can feel impossible. Sometimes, your own approach and beliefs about these situations may be hindering your growth at work.

Taking the guidance of a therapist to manage stress at work can give you informed, insightful perspectives on how you can handle workplace challenges and stress. Therapists aren’t just for resolving relationship difficulties, anxiety, or depression. They can also trained to help you out with your job stress.

Therapists help you build resilience, work through difficult, work-related interpersonal relationships, and provide strategies to avoid burnout and fatigue. It’s a collaborative effort – where you work on a plan with your therapist to release your work stress in a non-judgemental, open and safe space.

Here are some of the other benefits to seeking counselling for work stress:

  • Therapy can be a space to process and share your anxiety, fear, frustrations, and other emotions about work in a safe, non-judgmental space.
  • Therapy can teach you ways to resolve conflicts in a healthy manner with work colleagues.
  • It can provide you with techniques and tools to manage workplace stress.
  • It can equip you with time management and communication skills.
  • Therapy can help you notice your strengths and guide you towards harnessing these strengths at the workplace. 
  • It can improve your productivity and enhance your worklife balance. 

If you are feeling trapped, overwhelmed, or defeated because of your work stress, remember that you are not alone in this struggle. 

Most workplace issues can be managed with clear communication, shift in working patterns, or a workplace change. These changes can be understandably difficult to implement. Therefore, seeking counselling can be a great option for you to unlearn your patterns holding you back from growth and attain success and recognition at your workplace.

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Causes Behind Stress At Work

Work stress can arise from a multiude of sources, whether personal or environmental. 

Understanding these stressors is important, as the awareness helps you tackle these issues with a clearer, calmer mindset. Here are a few more stressors that could be contributing to your work stress.

  • Trouble meeting workplace expectations: Feeling like there is a mismatch between the work you do and what your workplace demands of you.
  • Procrastination: Procrastination is a habit where you push away tasks to do them later, due to a fear of not doing them correctly or perfectly. As you may know, keeping these tasks for later can cause them to pile up and cause work stress.
  • Interpersonal Conflicts: Having trouble connecting with, or having arguments or misunderstandings because of different communication and working styles, or goals and values. Workplace bullying and isolation can also trigger stress.
  • Logistic Difficulties: This includes, traveling long distances to work, or having troubles with your physical workplace environment. Like, having inadequate space, light, or ventilation in your workspace. 

Encountering these stressors can cause demotivation, stress and ultimately, burnout. Picture yourself as a battery drained of all its energy. Also, having a lower output and productivity at work can also risk your chances of being let go from the organization. 

Similarly, work stress can also make you feel like you lack the energy to take up new work. You seek other jobs to start afresh, leading you to a cycle of job-hopping. Therefore, experiencing prolonged work stress can have serious implications to your career growth, physical and mental health. 

Self-Help Strategies To Manage Stress At Work

  • Adopt transparency in communication: Try to create honest and open communication with your colleagues at your workplace. This can reduce chances of miscommunication and ambiguity and increase trust and reduce stress at work.
  • Set boundaries: Establish transparent and clear boundaries at work, and say no when you are unable to meet a certain demand. This can prevent burnout and promote a healthy work-life balance.
  • Control Distractions: Minimize most workplace distractions and try to use your work hours to get most of your work done. This can reduce your tendency to procrastinate, and improve your productivity. 
  • Add more to your personality: Work towards creating a well-rounded personality. Remember, you are more than your work and what you do. Revisit hobbies, interests and passions that exist outside your work, and make space for other people and areas of your life like friends and family. 
  • Try to create a balanced life-style: This includes having a healthy diet, sleep habit, and self-care to improve your physical and mental health. 

If you are feeling trapped, overwhelmed, or defeated because of your work stress, remember that you are not alone in this struggle. 

Most workplace issues can be managed with clear communication, shift in working patterns, or a workplace change. These changes can be understandably difficult to implement. Therefore, seeking counselling can be a great option for you to unlearn your patterns holding you back from growth and attain success and recognition at your workplace. 

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