Inner Space


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How to Deal with anger

Dealing with Anger Mindfully

Have you ever gotten angry at your parents for not letting you go out with your friends? Or on your friends itself, for not listening to you? You are not alone! Being angry is natural and we all experience it at some point. It can be a frustrating experience but the good news is you […]

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Recognising Our Feelings

What Does it Mean to ‘Feel’? Our feelings are responsible for making sense of our experiences in life. They help us survive, form and maintain connections with those around us. They are also one of the important factors in motivating us to do things. Since ‘feelings’ have such an important role in understanding our conscious

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manage hypertension with mindfulness

Manage Hypertension with Mindfulness

On World Hypertension day, here is our sharing on how stress leads to hypertension and what you can do on a daily basis to directly help the body become less stressed and manage hypertension with mindfulness. We are no strangers to hearing of several young people going through heart ailments and heart attacks due to

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The Calm Jar: An Effective Mindfulness Tool To Help Children Manage Stress

Often children find it difficult to manage the flood of thoughts and emotions that they experience while coping with a difficult situation or even while disengaging from a stressful day. They may end up throwing temper tantrums, withdraw socially, lose focus, cry easily or engage in other such venting behaviours. Managing these behaviours can sometimes

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mindful walking for children & teenagers

Dealing with Restlessness in Children through Walking Meditation

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our children could experience full joy while eating an ice-cream or while doing an activity they love, instead of burning out, asking for more or feeling bored? In this time of information overload and instant gratification children end up losing touch with their own mind and body. Multitasking and the

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offline meditation retreat on self compassion

Metta: The Practice of Compassion

Many of us encounter moments in life where forgiveness feels impossible. We might hold onto contempt or resentment towards someone, struggling to understand their actions and wondering, “Why are they this way?” These feelings can leave us feeling blocked, and incapable of extending kindness or love. Maybe it’s a partner resistant to change, or someone

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master meditation

Do You Try To Master Meditation?

Often just like any other skill, once people start meditating they try to master meditation. They want to excel at it. They imagine themselves becoming quiet and peaceful and completely mindful. They imagine what a perfectly blissful state they would be in if they master meditation. This is one of the reasons people actually get disenchanted

Do You Try To Master Meditation? Read More »

be mindful


Your senses are your window to the world; you experience life through your senses. Yet, in your everyday routine, you remain busy in trying to make meaning of whatever you see, hear, smell, taste and touch. This is necessary and an essential part of survival! However, if you think about it, every sensory experience is so rich on its own.
Keeping this in mind, this blog describes a mindfulness exercise that involves paying attention to one sense at a time.


Reset your focus at work


When you are upset, tired or stressed, it becomes difficult to focus at work. You are more vulnerable to distractions and everything takes twice as long to do.

“I have been going through a difficult time since the past couple of days. I am shifting to a new house and there are soooo many things to take care of. It is very stressful and it is creating a tense family atmosphere as well. There are projects to finish at work but I find my mind drifting to these problems. It is becoming really difficult to concentrate at my job. My personal problems are starting to get the better of me. It’s affecting my work now! I don’t know what to do about it…”

– Mr.K.L, Senior Manager.

“It’s affecting my work.” Most of us have used this line at some time; generally, when something is going wrong in our personal life and it is starting to affect our productivity at work. It could be a fight with a friend. A neighbour who is causing you unnecessary trouble. Or like Mr. K.L, a tense family environment.

We feel stressed and our mind seems in disarray. It becomes difficult to focus on the task at hand. You don’t feel like working and you struggle to make it through the day.



Imagine you are a ship. On a voyage. Swayed by gentle breeze or choppy waves everyday. You feel pulled back or pushed ahead. At times, you find it difficult to stay on course. Wouldn’t you want to have an anchor, to keep you steady?

If the ship is your mind, the breeze and waves are your thoughts which take you to the past and future… but what is the anchor??

The anchor is something that is with you all the time – it is the ‘present’

Discovering the Present through Mindfulness

Mindfulness means paying attention to the present, completely and fully. It is a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience, be it of what you see/hear/smell, or your breath or even your thoughts.


Happiness Blueprint

- Reduce Overthinking
- Manage Difficult Emotions
- Cravings Management

Take Control Of your Life and Emotions

A webinar by our founder Sadia Saeed, Psychologist and Mindfulness & Meditation Trainer.


The Art of Listening