Inner Space


Imagine you are a ship. On a voyage. Swayed by gentle breeze or choppy waves everyday. You feel pulled back or pushed ahead. At times, you find it difficult to stay on course. Wouldn’t you want to have an anchor, to keep you steady?

If the ship is your mind, the breeze and waves are your thoughts which take you to the past and future… but what is the anchor??

The anchor is something that is with you all the time – it is the ‘present’

Discovering the Present through Mindfulness

Mindfulness means paying attention to the present, completely and fully. It is a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience, be it of what you see/hear/smell, or your breath or even your thoughts.

The more you are able to stay rooted to your present, the lesser your mind strays to the past and the future. The lesser your mind strays, the easier it becomes to deal with emotions such as anxiety, anger and sadness.

Mindfulness Workshops at Inner Space

We’ve been conducting Mindfulness Workshops since May 2013. Encouraged by the positive response it has generated, we developed a website- Mindful Spring entirely dedicated to mindfulness and meditation

The website is aimed at helping you develop your mindfulness practice across time. To deepen your practice we have workshops in several formats. We have workshops for beginners as well as for advanced practitioners. These mindfulness meditation workshops are aimed at generating insight into the nature of dissatisfaction, emotional distress and pain and thereby create more awareness in dealing with it.

They involve the teaching of simple mindfulness practices and meditation based exercises which you can make a part of your everyday routines; helping you live your life with more ease and joy.

We feel that mindfulness is a way of life; it’s philosophy is as powerful as it is simple…

Through our mindfulness workshops, we hope to share this practice with as many of you as we can. So do attend and ask your friends, family and anyone who you feel would benefit, to attend too.

We found a little poem that beautifully expresses this very philosophy of mindfulness, which we are leaving you with 🙂

Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn

A cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.

If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,

This is the best season of your life.


 Wish to Explore Mindfulness Further?


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