Inner Space


Communication, if we think about it, is the only means of connection between two people. In any relationship, we understand what the opposite person thinks and feels about us only through what they communicate verbally and non-verbally. This is perhaps why ‘telling it right’ is very important in a parent-child relationship too. Things become that much tougher however, when your child repeatedly engages in a problem behavior. He seems to be stubborn about it and you pour in all your effort towards correcting the child and reversing the problem behavior. This often adds to more stress in the communication between you and your child and ultimately affects the parent-child relationship. Keeping this in mind, we are holding a group session for parents on communication where we will discuss generic things to keep in mind while in interaction with the child as well as healthy ways of communication when in an argument surrounding problem behaviors.

This session will be held on the 15th of January, Sunday, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Inner Space premises.

The charges of the same will be Rs 750

For Registration contact: Mahima Gupta (+91 9769494335) or Malini Krishnan (+91 9820270835)

For further details or queries contact: Sadia Raval (+91 9833985538)

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