Inner Space

Inner Space - Psychology, counseling Mumbai


Inner Space turns two today. It is a delightful feeling for the whole team here. Not just because we have done well and these two years of psychotherapeutic work as a counselling center have been extremely fruitful, but also because we have been able to do good work that we are happy about. But that is about us. Inner Space is not only about its team, it is about all of you who visited us, shared with us, read our posts or connected with us in some way-online or offline. I want to deeply thank you for this connection and for being with us in these two years.

Occasions like these are always a time for me to pause and look back at the road that has been travelled. Malini (whose soothing voice I can hear at the moment gently and patiently whispering into the phone answering enquiries about therapy) and I plan to sit together, along with cups of our favourite flavoured green tea and revisit the year that has passed. We hold Inner Space and all our therapists close to us in spirit and invite you to be with us and share this space with us as we select some pieces that we feel were most meaningful and among our favourites in 2012.

Here is our pick of the ten best psychology articles of this year, from Inner Space:

What’s the Big Deal About Being in the Present?

Why Accept a Problem?

How to Be Mindful? – Exercise 2: Breathing Meditation

How to Be Mindful? – Exercise 7: Dealing with Emotions and Feelings?

Understanding Aggressive Children – The Victim Behind the Aggressor

Understand Teenage Suicide: Get Into Their Shoes

Managing Anger: Guidance for Adolescents

Indian Marriage: Strained by Changing Women’s Roles?

Communication: “You” v/s “I” Statements

Focusing Excessively on Progress: How We Contribute to Our Stress at Work


About the Author: Sadia Raval is the Founder & Chief Psychologist of Inner Space – A center for counseling and psychological assessment. You can know more about her here.

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