Inner Space

Mindfulness Sessions for Teens

based on the book - "You are Simply Perfect”


For teenagers between 13 and 19 years of age



Online, via Zoom


To be announced


INR 300/- (Inclusive of 18% GST) per session

To register from outside India, reach us on +91 9833985538 (Monday to Saturday between 9 am and 7 pm) or write to us on


Why Mindfulness For Teens?

Teenage is a time where children are growing up and face many challenges physically, socially and psychologically. This is the age where transition from being a child to an adult begins where they seek answers for questions related to their identity, independence, future and more. During this time they also form a sense of self. 

Teenagers can face challenges due to peer pressure, puberty, addiction, social media, studies, relationships, friendships, career choices and their social environment. In our sessions, our objective is to help teenagers deal with these challenges by being centred, aware and mindful. Mindfulness practice helps teens build emotional resilience, provides tools to deal with overthinking and helps create a feeling of calm and clarity. Inculcating mindfulness facilitates acceptance of whatever is occuring in life right now, and lays the foundation for developing unconditional acceptance of oneself and eventually of others.

The sessions are based on the book- “You are Simply Perfect” written by Sadia Saeed. 

What Is Mindfulness?

session on mindfulness for teens

Mindfulness is a wonderful practice of being aware and connected to the present moment. If you sit quietly with yourself a few times in the day, you will notice that the mind is always chattering about something or the other. We spend a great amount of time engaging with this chatter and miss out connecting with the actual experience of the moment.

The practice of mindfulness helps in rewiring our attention in such a way that we stay more connected to the present moment experience. It is a gentle practice filled with non-judgment and compassion. 

A lot of our stress comes from thinking  about something that happened in the past or worrying about the future. Practising mindfulness results in an unconditional and restful acceptance of the present moment. It helps create more space for joy, resilience, peace and clarity of mind.

What To Expect From Each Session
On Mindfulness For Teens?

Creating an understanding of our challenges and how we are addressing them using the lens of mindfulness

Different mindfulness-based practice/activity each session

How to apply the practices to the challenges and difficult situations in life

Group discussion and space for sharing for participants

Calming the mind and body

Practice of emotional regulation and management

Q & A throughout the session

A little about the book- “You are Simply Perfect”

book on mindfulness for teens

You Are Simply Perfect! by Sadia Saeed

You are Simply Perfect is a Mindfulness and Self- Awareness guide for tweens and teens. This book is filled with different tools and practices designed to help the readers develop deeper understanding of themselves and equip them with various coping skills to face challenges that life throws at them.

About The Facilitator of
Sessions on Mindfulness for Teens

facilitator of mindfulness for teens sessions

Shubhra B Sarvaiya

The session will be facilitated by Shubhra B Sarvaiya. She is a psychologist and mindfulness trainer at Inner Space. 

  • She has worked extensively with children, teens, young adults and adults; and has an in-depth understanding of their struggles.
  • She practices Mindfulness based meditation.
  • She uses mindfulness practices regularly to help children through their difficulties.
  • She is currently involved in training NGOs and communities in mindfulness.
  • She is also trained in Mindfulness based Psychotherapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Integral Somatic Psychology and Rational Emotive Education for kids.

Know More About Shubhra

8 Week Mindfulness Meditation course

19th January-16th March 2025
Sundays 10.30 am- 12.30 noon IST

  • Work with difficult thoughts and emotions
  • Learn how to meditate
  • Navigate difficulties in realtionships through compassion

Facilitated by Sadia Saeed

Founder, Psychologist and Meditaiton Trainer


The Art of Listening